Hi Judy, Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I do have a draft of what I wrote up if you’d like to give it go. You can email me (jennette reid at gmail dot com) and I will be happy to share it with you. It’s not identical to this one though, I was just trying to recreate for my own use (to make coasters) before the pattern was so generously shared here!
Frances Darcy
10 years ago
I am now doing the strawberry following the diagram, and it is just so lovely
9 years ago
These are simply beautiful. Would you mind sharing the pattern/chart for the double shelled pink one as well (bottom right in the photo above)? Thank you!
Judy Short Mathison
9 years ago
If anyone has the written pattern for these please share…. I love these
Diana Woodsides
8 years ago
just found this site ,love it ,would love to have the pattern for the strawberrys and carrot if possible.
8 years ago
These are done in beautiful colors reminds me of Easter,Birthdays and Spring in general. My question as with the others,may we purchase the patterns for these….I post patters from across the world,any language and charted so every one can enjoy them…thank you Annie
These are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your pattern! I wish I saw this yesterday before I spent several hours trying to make my own!
Do you have the written patter? If you do, would you share?
Hi Judy, Sorry I didn’t see this sooner. I do have a draft of what I wrote up if you’d like to give it go. You can email me (jennette reid at gmail dot com) and I will be happy to share it with you. It’s not identical to this one though, I was just trying to recreate for my own use (to make coasters) before the pattern was so generously shared here!
I am now doing the strawberry following the diagram, and it is just so lovely
These are simply beautiful. Would you mind sharing the pattern/chart for the double shelled pink one as well (bottom right in the photo above)? Thank you!
If anyone has the written pattern for these please share…. I love these
just found this site ,love it ,would love to have the pattern for the strawberrys and carrot if possible.
These are done in beautiful colors reminds me of Easter,Birthdays and Spring in general. My question as with the others,may we purchase the patterns for these….I post patters from across the world,any language and charted so every one can enjoy them…thank you Annie
Hello, Annie!
My doter has the same name 🙂
Please, write me on my mail fionafionitta@gmail.com about buying patterns.
Thank you!
Sorry so much, i’ve made a mistake, my mail is fionittafiona@gmail.com